As Qatari citizens consider relocating to Hungary for work or business opportunities, understanding the visa requirements is crucial for a successful application process. This guide provides an overview of the necessary steps and criteria for obtaining a Hungary work permit or business resident visa, paving the way to eventual citizenship.

Hungary Work Permit Visa Requirements

Qatari citizens aiming to obtain a work permit visa must meet the following requirements:

  1. Job Offer: Secure a formal job offer from a Hungarian employer. The employer is required to prove that there are no suitable candidates within the European Union for the position.

  2. Application Form: Complete the work permit application form, which can be obtained from the Hungarian embassy or consulate in Qatar.

  3. Valid Passport: Hold a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the intended stay in Hungary.

  4. Health Insurance: Provide evidence of health insurance that covers medical expenses during your stay in Hungary.

  5. Proof of Qualifications: Submit educational qualifications and relevant work experience documentation.

  6. Background Check: Provide a clean criminal record certificate from Qatari authorities.

  7. Visa Fee: Pay the required visa processing fee.

Business Resident Visa Requirements

For Qatari citizens interested in establishing a business in Hungary, the following requirements apply for the business resident visa:

  1. Business Plan: Present a comprehensive business plan detailing the business concept, financial forecasts, and operational plans.

  2. Company Registration: Register the business with the relevant Hungarian authorities, including obtaining a tax number.

  3. Proof of Funds: Demonstrate adequate financial resources to support the business and personal living expenses in Hungary.

  4. Valid Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for a minimum of six months beyond the intended duration of stay in Hungary.

  5. Health Insurance: Submit proof of health insurance that covers the entire stay in Hungary.

  6. Background Check: Provide a clean criminal record certificate from the authorities in Qatar.

  7. Visa Fee: Pay the applicable business resident visa processing fee.

Pathway to Citizenship

After legally residing in Hungary for at least eight years on a work or business visa, Qatari citizens may apply for Hungarian citizenship. This process includes demonstrating proficiency in the Hungarian language, passing a citizenship test, and providing proof of stable income.

Contact Information

For assistance with your visa application process, please contact us:

Email: [email protected]

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Apply Now!

Take the first step towards a rewarding career or business venture in Hungary. Apply now to start your journey in this dynamic country!


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