Are you a citizen of Solomon Islands looking to work or establish a business in Hungary? This comprehensive guide outlines the essential requirements for obtaining a Hungary Work Permit and Business Resident Visa, paving your path to citizenship in this vibrant European country.

Hungary Work Permit Requirements

To apply for a Hungary Work Permit, Solomon Islands citizens must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Job Offer: You must secure a job offer from a Hungarian employer. The employer is required to demonstrate that they could not find a suitable candidate from the EU for the position.

  2. Valid Passport: A passport that is valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay in Hungary is necessary.

  3. Application Form: Complete the Hungary Work Permit application form, which can typically be found on the Hungarian consulate's website.

  4. Proof of Qualifications: Submit documents proving your qualifications and experience relevant to the job you will be undertaking in Hungary.

  5. Health Insurance: Evidence of adequate health insurance coverage for your stay in Hungary is required.

  6. Clean Criminal Record: A police clearance certificate demonstrating a clean criminal record may be requested.

  7. Financial Stability: Proof of financial means to support yourself during your stay may be needed.

Business Resident Visa Requirements

If you're planning to start a business in Hungary, you must apply for a Business Resident Visa. The requirements include:

  1. Business Plan: A detailed business plan outlining your intended business operations in Hungary is mandatory.

  2. Investment Proof: Evidence of sufficient financial resources to support the business and cover living expenses is essential.

  3. Company Registration: You must register your business with the Hungarian authorities. This involves obtaining a tax number and registering with the court.

  4. Valid Passport: Similar to the work permit, your passport must be valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay.

  5. Application Form: Fill out the Business Resident Visa application form accurately.

  6. Health Insurance: As with the work permit, you will need to show proof of health insurance.

  7. Clean Criminal Record: A certificate confirming you have no criminal record may be required.

Pathway to Citizenship

After living and working in Hungary for a minimum of three years on a valid work or business visa, you may be eligible to apply for Hungarian citizenship. This process typically includes proving your language proficiency in Hungarian and demonstrating your integration into Hungarian society.

Contact Us

For more information or assistance with your application, please reach out to us at Hungary Work Permit:

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Apply Now!

Embark on your journey to Hungary today. Secure your work permit or business resident visa and take the first step toward your new life in Hungary!


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